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  • Writer's picturePatricia Lambert



At the beginning of a new year, many will choose a word or intention for the year... last year was the first year that I decided to try this, and I chose J O Y.

I focused on finding joy in past experiences that had brought pain and struggle. I focused on choosing joy when making decisions or turning down a new path toward a goal. I focused on choosing joy and pulling myself out of feelings of negativity and seeking the positive.

What a year to focus on joy!

But through that intentional use of joy as my compass, everything was impacted.

My perspective on the ever-changing and uncertain state of the world shifted, and I pivoted direction to find and create new opportunities. The choices that I made in all areas, from business, to passion projects, to moving across the country were made from a state of peace and choosing joy.

This year, my word is L I M I T L E S S.

This will be a year of limitless possibility.

This will be a year of limitless growth.

This will be a year of limitless love.

This will be a year of limitless joy.

This will be a year of limitless impact.

Because when we take the limits off of ourselves and believe in the limitless opportunities and magic that can happen, we stop telling ourselves that we can’t do something, or that it isn’t possible.

Embracing *limitless* means that all dreams are possible and embraceable, that every trial can become a blessing in an instant, and that no matter what seems to be the most likely outcome, we are open to the surprises and magic of the unexpected coming to be.

Embracing *limitless* means that when doubts arise, my intention in facing them will be to prove the doubts wrong and to remove the intangible block from my way.

I know my goals for the year, but I also know that we can never fully plan or predict the growth, experiences, and opportunities that the year ahead has in store. I am open to the *limitless* possibilities just waiting to unfold!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Philippians 4:13

As the year progresses, so many will lose sight of their word, goals, or intentions for the year, as life happens, attentions shift, adventures, experiences, and challenges take over the forefront of our mind. I’ve found several really effective ways of keeping my word at the forefront every month of the year and making legitimate progress toward the goals and dreams that I set my sights on!

The first method is to post my word in several places around the house that I will be reminded of it weekly, if not daily. For me, that meant putting LIMITLESS at the bottom of the image that I printed with my morning routine reminders and keep propped up on the lamp on my bedside table. I love having my morning routine reminders right there where I can glance and remember “Oh! I should definitely do some reading this morning!”

I also have LIMITLESS prominently pinned to the bulletin board in my office above my desk... with these two locations, I am reminded of limitlessness at the start of my day and throughout my work days!

My second tip for keeping focused on goals throughout the year rather than just the first week in January is to check in on your goals often. Not once a year, not every six months, and not quarterly. I set time aside every single Monday (woohoo, Management Monday!) to review my goal progress from the previous week and make a plan for the week ahead to continue working toward my goals. This isn’t just business goals, mind you, these are business goals, planning travel, growing relationships, immersing in my passion projects, embodying a healthier lifestyle, making financial gains, and so much more! Goal setting can be so much fun when the things you are working toward are things you are passionate about.

The Achievement Planner is my favorite tool for keeping track of and continuously achieving goals! Check it out HERE


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